
The map on google maps and full address of the office of Happy Erasmus Valencia, The address of the Happy Erasmus office in Valencia is: Ramón Llull number 21, postal code 46021 Valencia. Mobile number is (+34) 693 222 666. Business and visiting hours of the office are from Monday to Friday from 10:00am to 6:00pm.

The Happy Erasmus group has its headqaurters in Valencia, Spain, and here it coordinates and supports each of its Happy Erasmus partners in the various cities where Happy Erasmus offers its services. 

This main Happy Erasmus Office is close to the University of Valencia Tarrongers Campus and to the Polytechnic University of Valencia. 

Calle de Ramon Llull, 21 - 46021 Valencia 

Happy Erasmus Valencia: Calle Ramon Llull, 21 - 46021 Valencia
Phone & WhatsApp: +34.693.222.666
Opening hours: Monday to Friday 10:00am to 8:00pm